The pre-acceptance inspection is a critical step in the process of acquiring a new property. A thorough and careful inspection is the best way to protect yourself and mark the start of your guarantee.
The pre-acceptance inspection is a critical step in the process of acquiring a new property. A thorough and careful inspection is the best way to protect yourself and mark the start of your guarantee.
Watch this video to learn all about the pre-acceptance inspection!
Your contractor must send you the Pre-acceptance Inspection Form, regardless of the type of building. GCR provides the contractor with this checklist of elements to verify, which has been approved by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ).
In order to avoid disputes, verify that all work has been finished as agreed in writing in the sales contract, and make a note of any work to be completed or corrected. Come to an agreement with your contractor about the new end‑of‑work date. This new date must be no more than six months after the date of the pre‑acceptance inspection.
You and your contractor must jointly conduct the pre-acceptance inspection. GCR also recommends that you be accompanied by a building professional of your choice. This is an excellent way to minimize the risk of problems occurring after you take possession of your building.
Once the form has been completed, the contractor must sign it and send you a copy. The contractor must also send a copy to GCR and keep one for their records.
The guarantee takes effect as soon as you sign the form and check the box “Acceptance – without reservations.”
Once the syndicate of co‑owners is under the control of the co‑owners, the contractor must provide them, as well as each buyer, with an End of Work Notification. The work must be finished at that time, although some minor tasks may still remain.
Once this notice is received, the syndicate of co‑owners is required to mandate a building professional (an engineer, architect or technologist) to declare acceptance of the common areas. This professional will conduct the inspection jointly with the contractor and the syndicate using the Pre‑acceptance Form – Building Held in Divided Co‑Ownership – Common Areas provided by GCR.
In the case of a co‑owned property built in phases, the acceptance of common areas must be carried out at the end of work on each building.
After the pre-acceptance inspection of common areas, the building professional completes the form, including the date of acceptance of the common areas and giving notice of any work to complete or correct. The contractor must sign it and provide a copy to the syndicate of co‑owners and one to GCR, and keep one for their records.
This document constitutes the acceptance of the common areas and marks the starting date of certain guarantees.
The “Acceptance – without reservations” box at the end of the Pre-acceptance Inspection Form means that you agree that the work has been performed and that you consider the building ready to be used for its intended purpose. If you check this box, the guarantee takes effect as soon as you sign the Pre-acceptance Inspection Form.
The “Acceptance – with reservations” box at the end of the Pre-acceptance Inspection Form means that you consider the building ready to be used for its intended purpose and that items to be corrected or work to be completed have been identified and indicated on the form. A completion date must therefore be agreed upon with the contractor. If you check this box, be aware that your contractor must provide you with a copy of the Statement of Final Performance of the Work form.