
Garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR)

Garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR) is a neutral and independent non‑profit organization. Its mandate is to administer the guarantee plan for new residential buildings in Quebec.

Beyond that mission, GCR works to improve the quality of residential construction.

A quick look at GCR

Learn how GCR protects buyers and provides guidance for contractors to achieve excellence in everything they do (in french).



  • July 3, 2014: The RBQ officially authorized GCR to administer the guarantee plan
  • January 1, 2015: The new regulation on the guarantee plan took effect.
  • June 30, 2016: The 2016‑2019 strategic plan for improving the quality of residential construction was adopted.

2022 in numbers (from 1 January to 31 December):

  • Nearly 3,000 accredited contractors
  • Little more than 12 000 buildings registered
  • Little more than 11 000 units inspected

GCR’s role and company culture

In order to carry out its mission with long‑term sustainability, GCR is committed to healthy risk management and to reducing claims cases. Accordingly, and to protect beneficiaries of the guarantee plan, GCR works to improve construction quality and encourages contractors to adopt best practices.

Internally, this means a “de‑siloed” organization with cross‑departmental management systems: risk management, project management and activity‑based management drive the continuous improvement of operations at all levels of the company.


Administer the guarantee plan for new residential buildings and protect buyers.


High-quality construction for satisfied beneficiaries.


Improve the quality of residential construction in Quebec.


Excellence, equity, transparency, respect, accountability.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has 13 members, representing different stakeholders in the construction industry. It includes members of contractor and consumer organizations as well as individuals appointed by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ).

The members of the Board of Directors are:

Mr. Louis Genest

Chair, appointed by the RBQ with a governmental background

Mr. Gilles Lemieux

Vice-Chair, appointed by the RBQ as a building professional

Mr. François Bélanger

Appointed by the RBQ as a legal professional

Mr. André Bourassa

Appointed by the RBQ as a building professional

Mr. Michael Chetboun

Member of consumer associations

Mrs. Sylvia Chouinard

Member of contractor associations

Mr. Jean Paul Dutrisac

Appointed by the RBQ with a governmental background

Mrs. France Gendron

Appointed by the RBQ with a governmental background

Mrs. Mona Hanne

Appointed by the RBQ with a financial industry background

Mr. Jacques Leroux

Member of consumer associations

Mr. Benoît Lévesque

Member of contractor associations

Mr. Christian Roch

Member of contractor associations

Mr. René Vincent 

Member of consumer associations

Senior management

Jean-Pascal Labrosse

President & CEO (interim)

Marie-Claude Laberge

Director, Technical Expertise

Alain Landry

Director, Finances and Administration

Catherine Lemieux

Director, Human Resources

François‑William​ Simard

Vice President, Communications and Partner Relations

Acts and regulations

The legislation that applies most directly to GCR is:

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