This guide is a prevention tool helping owners of a new home maintain their investment in good condition.
Failures can be prevented by paying attention to warning signs of potential issues. Maintenance is a key element which helps limit damage and problems. However, some failures cannot be prevented by simple maintenance and may be covered by the guarantee plan.
The occurrence or presence of signs can have various causes, from normal material behaviour to a real defect. In some cases, observing and monitoring progression is recommended. However, it is always a good idea to contact your contractor first.
The Maintenance Guide lists the various checks to perform on the main components of your new home. They are ranked by importance and potential issues are highlighted, as well as some preventive and corrective actions to be undertaken if needed. A schedule for seasonal maintenance on your new home can also be found in this guide. The section will particularly be useful for planning maintenance for the months and years to come. Finally, there is a helpful glossary at the end of the Maintenance Guide.
With it in hand, you’ll be ready to tour your property.
To your checklist!